Apostle Clinton Potters
Apostle Potters accepted the Lord as his Savior in September of 1988. In 1992, God led him to join Bethel Full Gospel Church, where he served as Assistant Pastor and Youth Pastor until 1996. He was ordained in the ministry by Pastor Troy N. Thomas in 1994. Clinton Potters also received his BA Degree in English in 1994 from Alcorn State University. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Hall County Advisory Council for RYDC( Gainesville Regional Youth Detention Center) in Gainesville, Georgia. He has been preaching the gospel for more than 27 years and pastoring for 15 years.
Apostle Potters was consecrated in 2013 as an modern day Apostle according to Ephesians 4:11 with supernatural signs following. Apostle has traveled around the United States and Mexico preaching the Word of God. Apostle Potters currently oversees churches & spiritual sons and daughters that have submitted themselves to him for the work of the ministery.
Apostle Potters has been on television for several years preaching the gospel on the program "Setting the captives free" which is seen on Cable One in Natchez, Mississippi & Vidalia, Louisiana. You are also able to log onto www.clintonpotters.org and watch live webinar "Healing for Today" every 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month.
Apostle Potters teaches and preaches a strong apostolic and prophetic word that causes men and women to be set free from the slavery and bondages of life. His assignment on earth is to set the captives free. The gifts of the Holy Spirit flow freely in his life. His passion to see souls saved and those that have been bound set free occurs frequently in his daily ministry. God has also given Apostle Potters a strong anointing of Healing in which he believes is one of his end time anointing to bring the Healing power of God to the nations.
He has been under the spiritual covering of Pastor Gary and Maya Taylor of Open Word Christian Ministries of Fairburn, Georgia for over 16 years.
Apostle Clinton Potters has been married to Pastor Sherry Potters for over 24 awesome years in which they are the proud parents of three lovely sons Joshua, David and Joseph.